We’ve already converted 1,931,187,278 files
with a total size of 15,092 TB.
Convert images in an instant!
Our image converter lets you convert any type of image in just 3 easy steps:

Select your image
Select the image you want to convert from your device.

Select the format
Choose the output format that best suits your needs.

Convert in seconds
You’ll get your high-quality converted image in an instant.

All formats you need
Perform any task on PDF files quickly and easily. Convert, edit, merge or split your PDFs with tools designed to make your job easier.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
There are no limits! You can upload documents of any size and with as many words as you need.
Our tool has been designed with you in mind and guarantees fast and smooth performance, even with the largest files.
Of course you can! Once the conversion is complete, simply select the share option. You can easily send them via email, SMS, WhatsApp and Telegram.
Our app also integrates with cloud services such as Google Drive, Dropbox and OneDrive. So you can upload your converted documents directly to your online storage and share access links with anyone you need, quickly and securely.
Of course it is! At Offiwiz, we take your security and privacy very seriously. We are a European-based company and comply with the strictest personal data protection regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
Your documents are 100% yours, no one else has access to them. Our advanced encryption and authentication options ensure that your personal and confidential information is always protected.
What do our users think of our image converter?
Thousands of users trust us and praise the ease, quality and speed of our service.
Their satisfaction is our best guarantee.

Xavier L.

“Simple and efficient. I was able to convert my photos from PNG to JPG in seconds, and the final file size was ideal for uploading to my website. Very useful and recommended.”

Elena M.

“The app I needed. It allows me to convert images to send them by mail or adjust them according to the needs of my projects. It works great!”
Laura G.
“Excellent application, it converts my images between formats without losing quality. It is fast and very easy to use, perfect for preparing files for my graphic design work.”