We’ve already converted 3,131,187,278 files
with a total size of 18,092 TB.
Transform your images in Seconds!
Resize, compress, or crop your images in just 3 simple steps.

Select your image
Upload your file and get ready to adjust it to suit your needs.

Choose an option
Decide whether you want to resize, compress, or crop the image to fit your purpose.

CAdjust the size and save
Set the new dimensions, compress up to 75%, or crop to your desired area.
Compatible with any image format!
Our image resizing app supports all popular formats, including JPEG, PNG, GIF, and more, so you can work without limitations.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
There are no limits! You can upload files regardless of their size or the number of words they contain. We don’t believe in putting restrictions on your needs. Our Resize Images app is optimized to handle images of any size without compromising their quality.
Yes, once you’ve finished resizing your images, simply select the share option. The app offers various sharing methods, including email, text messages, and messaging apps like WhatsApp or Telegram.
Additionally, the app integrates seamlessly with cloud services such as Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive. This way, you can upload your images to your cloud storage and share access links with others.
Offiwiz is a Europe-based company that adheres to the strictest data protection regulations. Your images remain exclusively yours, and no one else has access to them.
Resize your images without compromising your personal information. We take your privacy very seriously. Thanks to encryption and authentication features, you can be confident that your sensitive information is fully protected.
Yes, our app includes offline functionality, allowing you to resize images even without internet access. Perfect for working anywhere without interruptions.
No, our app uses advanced algorithms to ensure that the quality of your images remains intact, even when reducing their size or resolution.
What do our users say about our image resizing app?
Many users trust us to make their image editing quick and easy.


“I used to spend hours adjusting images one by one, but now I can do it all quickly in just a few clicks.”


“ It has saved me hours of work, and the results are always great. I 100% recommend this app!”
“I loved how quickly I was able to resize all my photos for a project. Definitely a must-have tool for any content creator”