We have converted 2,532,187,278 video files with our video converter
with a total of 18,092 TB.
Convert your video files in a flash!
Our video converter lets you change your videos to the format you need in just three simple steps.

Pick your video
Choose your file from the gallery, the cloud or recently received files.

Choose the ideal format
Pick the format that best suits your needs – we’ve got them all!

Convert and download
In a few seconds, you’ll have your file in the new format, ready to download or share.

You can play all of these video formats.
With our video converter, you can choose from lots of different formats, which will suit your needs and work style.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Not at all! You can upload documents without any size or word count restrictions. Our app supports large files and ensures a seamless document upload experience, no matter the file size or length.
Absolutely! Sharing your converted documents is straightforward. Once the conversion is complete, select the share option to send your files via email, text messages, or through popular apps like WhatsApp and Telegram.
Moreover, our video converter app integrates seamlessly with cloud storage services such as Google Drive, Dropbox, and OneDrive. This integration allows you to upload your documents directly to your cloud storage and share links quickly and securely.
Yes, at Offiwiz, your security is our top priority. As a Europe-based company, we comply with stringent personal data protection regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Your documents remain completely private and exclusively yours.
Our technology enables you to edit PDF files with confidence, utilizing advanced encryption and authentication features to safeguard your sensitive information from unauthorized access. Your privacy is in safe hands.
Our app supports all major and popular video formats. Whether you’re working with MP4, AVI, MOV, WMV, or other specific formats, our video converter tool ensures full compatibility. No matter the file type, you have the flexibility to adapt it to your needs.
Yes, our video converter app is designed to be multilingual. We offer support in a wide range of languages, allowing you to utilize all features comfortably in your native language. This design makes our tool accessible to users worldwide.
Our free video converter app provides a comprehensive suite of tools for video conversion at no cost. For users seeking additional features, such as advanced customization options and enhanced performance, we offer a premium version to elevate your experience. The choice is yours!